Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Green Green and Green project management

All know that natural resources are limited and some of these eroding natural resources are causing concern to the world as they depreciate, we have issues like global warming, pollution, scarcity and what not. In fact we are afraid of that. After all we as human beings are afraid of nature. Then everyone realized the importance of green philosophy and starting thinking in terms of Green technology, Green work culture, Green management. we are in the age of super computers and most of the houses own a laptop or desktop or both. And they get replaced with new config machines every 3 to 4 years. What will happen to those used systems? lot of electronic wastage is getting accumulated and that creates issues with Green. Now people talking about Green project management in software companies? As long as you do not pollute the environment by adding additional hardware, you are there. That means is your design good enough to take care within the limited hardware infrastructure or you got to add more hardware? Is your team using one common global server rather than using multiple hardware instances to create more pollution. Thinking in those lines about hardware content is beginning of Green project management. so, the role of an architect for green project is really significant as he is the one who designs the app not just in terms of software but also to accommodate infrastructure of the application.

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