Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where am I ...No where

Today, when I was reading Times, there were some questions by individuals and Deepak Chopra responded with answers. One of the questions are very interesting. That person was asking, after getting job, and well settled, now person started realizing that he or she is no where? Why one gets that idea. Is it because of detachment with set of activities or not satisfied with what an individual has got? In the life, one thing is sure. Nothing is complete. Every second you think that need to do something more or achieve more either in personal front or official areas. Obviously being a human, we expect that things will improve better day after day and also, individually archive more.
with this thinking process, an individual always in a perception that he or she nowhere what he/she is? that has two directions. it will lose confidence at one end and same will also help the individual growth? where as if an individual start thinking about whatever he/she has done is what it is supposed to be the ultimate for him or her(not for others, obviously), person gains confidence but can that person continues for further individual growth?
that is where point of confidence in self will act. Hybrid approach of both i.e. achieving something and, gaining confidence because of that achievement followed by encouragement to grow furthermore is what everyone has to see as optimum. It is not possible for many cases then, situations like "No where" will emerge even after achieving something if not everything of an individual wanted.

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